Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Aryavarta Chronicles - Soon to be published by Hachette India!

So here it is, finally - Am happy to share with everyone that Hachette India will be publishing 'Govinda' - book 1 of The Aryavarta Chronicles in early 2012! Books 2 and 3 - 'Firewright' and 'The Cowherd Prince' will follow later the same year.

Hachette, as many readers are no doubt familiar, is one of the world largest publishers of books - Needless to say, I'm terribly excited at the prospect of having my books under their banner. All thanks and credit to Jayapriya Vasudevan and Priya Doraswamy of Jacaranda - my literary agents, and  dear friends! Incessant thanks also to my family, and to the dear friends and mentors who've stood by me from crazy idea to incomprehensible draft, and of course, the final books.

I hope to share more on the progress of the book, as it goes through the editing, publishing and marketing process, and of course, as I continue to work on Book 3 and beyond. For now though, I invite you all to be a part of my excitement at beginning the next stage of this journey... into Aryavarta.


Unknown said...

Your Book 1: Govinda is fast-paced and very gripping. I just couldnt stop reading it all the way to the end!! the way you build characters n describe them, as and when required is perfect!!! You said your second book will be 'Firewright'... but now its 'Kaurava'??? is it renamed or a different book??? And if its a different book, then will there be more than 4 books in this series??? I hope you are not made to write these books just for the commercial gain from it(they have to be commercially viable also, but should not fall into the daily soap kind of trap, where the story goes on and on just for TRP n stuff like that. this what i mean by this question).

Krishna Udayasankar said...

Hi Abhishek,

Thanks for your kinds words, and I'm glad you enjoyed Govinda. Yes, book 2 is now called 'Kaurava' and there will be 4 books - basically because I realised the story was far too complex to fit into 3 books (including the proposed prequel). As for commercial viability - while I (and my publishers wont complain), no... the day that happens, you'll see it in my writing, and I'm willing to bet you can tell the difference. As the G-man says "Nimmitramatram Bhava..." I am just an instrument :)

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